Flo Snook
Current CollectionFlo Snook BA(hons)
"Believe it or not, the UK has more coastline than India or Brazil. This is an amazing fact. We have so many inlets, estuaries and islands that as far as shoreline goes, we outrank these enormous countries. We are an island nation, and so it’s no wonder that the sea means so much to us. Having lived most of my life along the South coast (only spending 3 years away from it while I attained my textile art degree in Loughborough) I have cultivated a deep connection to it's harbours, piers, fishing cottages and boats, which I like to capture in my work.
I have developed a unique way of working; I start with pen drawings, and using natural cottons and linens to express the colours and mood of the landscape, I then screen print, appliqué, and hand stitch my images together. With each piece that I create, I attempt to draw the viewer deeper into the sense of simplicity and space that the coastline gives me."
AAF Battersea, Oct. Northcote Gallery